The beauty of digital advertising is that any size company can get their feet wet. Only have $500 to spend on advertising? No problem! Have no idea where to start with this AdWords stuff? That’s not really an issue with … Continued

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Dennis Ritchie, creator of C, bids “goodbye, world”

Each day since Dennis Ritchie passed away my 1978 copy of “K&R” — The C Programming Language, by Brian W. Kernighan & Dennis M. Ritchie — has glared balefully at me asking why I haven’t written something about his effect on my professional … Continued

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The Two Flavors of a ‘One Web’ Approach: Responsive vs. Adaptive

You’ve probably heard people say we’re living in a “post-PC world.” What does that mean for Fusion Vegas web developers? It means that 30% to 50% of your website’s traffic now comes from mobile devices. It means that soon, desktop … Continued

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Google Gets 348,085 ‘Forget’ Requests In Europe

SAN FRANCISCO: Since a top European court ruled people have a right to be forgotten online, Google has received 348,085 requests for tidbits to vanish from search results. Silicon Valley-based Google, a subsidiary of newly-created parent company Alphabet, complied with … Continued

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Google Is Sending Project Fi Subscribers This Brilliant Lego Kit

The present has arrived with some of Google’s early customers ready to make in the colors of its mobile operator brand. Project Fi, Google’s network-of-networks, piggybacks on the infrastructure of existing mobile operators and looks like the most comprehensive offer … Continued

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‘Facebook At Work’ Gets Its Own Messaging App

admin November 23, 2015

Ifyou are waiting for “Facebook At Work” to come to your workstation so that you can work closely with colleagues, now get ready for another feature that you would never like to miss: Work Chat. Dubbed as the version of … Continued

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How Indian Firms Are Trying To Survive Global Slump In Ad Tech

Companies such as InMobi Technologies Pvt. Ltd and Tyroo Technologies have shifted to enable e-commerce through product discovery, a move that puts them in direct competition with Google and Facebook. Photo: Bloomberg As Facebook Inc. and Google Inc. continue to … Continued

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Facebook Craze Drops Among Hyderabad Teens: TCS Survey

HYDERABAD: Craze of popular social networking site Facebook has witnessed a drop among city youngsters with 83 per cent using it against 91 per cent last year, a TCSBSE 1.37 % survey showed. “Facebook leads from the forefront (used by … Continued

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5 Common Traits Of Google’s Best Teams

Google, despite its penchant for childlike imagery and playful work environments, is a massive global company with 60,000 employees and a market cap of $500 billion. In order to stay dominant, it needs top talent, and to maintain top talent, … Continued

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Google To Offer Deep Links To Facebook Content Inside Its Search App

  Anew agreement means Google will be able to index Facebook profiles and other pages from the social network. Only public information will be indexed by Google. They say that politics makes strange bedfellows. Sometimes it’s the same in technology, … Continued

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